Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Trying to stem the tide of crap (but probably adding to it)

Rules for my new blog

There is a ridiculous number of bloggers out there now, so I certainly don't want to add to the rising tide of mental diarrhea that is washing over the internet even as we speak. Consequently I promise to do my best not to blog about the following topics

1. Apple/iPods/Why Steve Jobs is master of the known universe. I am clearly not the only person who thinks this is boring.

2. The everyday minutae of my life, in skull-crushing detail. This task is already being performed by a mind clearly more damaged than my own.

3. My cats; including, but not limited to, pictures of said pets. Doing so would make me stupid, boring, and quite possibly a girl. This is quite possibly the only good website devoted largely to cat pictures.

4. The fact that I can't think of a fourth topic to avoid does not bode well for coming up with things to actually write about. You should therefore expect to find just a lot of links to stupid news stories and other random garbage I turn up on line.

I am going to add a bunch of people to my mailing list, if this gets annoying, please let me know.I won't remove you from the list but it will make you feel better.

A note to my parents: If you are viewing this page, congratualtions, you navigated the link-in-an-email task successfully. The green words in this blog are links so click on them to see stuff.

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