Monday, September 29, 2008

Signs that civilization is about to fail (part II)

So a respected contemporary of mine thinks the world is not about to end and everything is just fine.  A quick scan of the BBC World News page today yielded some of these delightful news nuggets

The Dow Jones index fell 7% and suffered its biggest ever one-day points fall, ending 778 down.

Ivorians tried for mass poisoning

The leaders of Austria's two far-right parties have hailed the results of snap general elections, which saw their support doubling since the 2006 polls.

What would financial Armageddon look like?

Child bodies found in US freezer

So in summary, everyone's broke, people are so desperate to make money they'll happily dump lethally toxic chemicals directly into a public water supply, Austrians can't see the harm in voting for the far right (what could possibly go wrong this time?), the BBC editorials sound like a pitch for another Mad Max sequel, and people are killing their kids and stuffing them in next to the frozen pork chops. Apart from that everything is fine and dandy. Well tomorrow, I'm stocking up on canned food, replacing the back porch stairs with a retractable ladder and then I'm going to stay upstairs and live off cats milk till it's safe to come out
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1 comment:

Not Terribly Tall said...

I am with you...I have already made a jacket of squirrel pelts and am training myself to tolerate rat.